Publication title
Building Information Modelling for Commercial Office Buildings
Publication date
BCO Research & Policy, Architecture & Interior Design, Construction, Engineering, Technical Services, QS & Cost Control, Development, Ownership & Investment, Environmental Sustainability & Energy, Legal & Government Legislation, NextGen & Future Trends, Occupier & Property Management
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BIM is transforming how buildings are designed, constructed and operated, at present the greatest value being realised from BIM in the commercial office sector is through de-risking construction.
The BIM process delivers fully coordinated design at an earlier point in the process, significantly reducing uncertainty in the construction phase and allowing faster construction with less waste of material and time.
BIM is transforming how buildings are designed, constructed and operated, at present the greatest value being realised from BIM in the commercial office sector is through de-risking construction.
The BIM process delivers fully coordinated design at an earlier point in the process, significantly reducing uncertainty in the construction phase and allowing faster construction with less waste of material and time.