Publication title

Thoughts on Ventilation Design and Operation Post Covid-19: Supplementary material and bibliography

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BCO Research & Policy

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Ventilation has taken its place alongside ‘hands–face–space’ in the UK government’s latest public health campaign, after research has shown that being in a well-ventilated space can reduce infection from airborne particles by over 70%. We are still at an early stage in understanding what the full impact of COVID-19 will be on how we use our offices in the future, the altered expectations of occupants and the potential changes in workplace regulation. All these issues may affect the design of ventilation systems. The BCO will continue to monitor the situation closely, and will update its guidance in line with the latest research and emerging best practice advice.

Aimed at building owners, managers and operators of non-domestic buildings, the document by the BCO Technical Affairs Committee supports the briefing note that outlines the actions that should be taken to minimise transmission of Covid-19.