Virtual National Awards 2020

We are thrilled to announce that booking for the 2020 National Awards celebrations are now open. Pushed back due to lockdown, we are delighted to say that the BCO National Awards 2020 will now take place as a virtual ceremony on Thursday 10 June 2021 at 5pm and will be hosted by presenter, broadcaster and journalist, Jeremy Vine.

The BCO National Awards have always been a highlight in the industry calendar, so we are pulling out all the stops to make this an exciting, interactive, and fun experience, with all the razzmatazz you would expect for the grand finale.

This past year has been a very challenging time and bringing everyone together to connect and celebrate the fantastic achievements in our industry feels more important than ever. Attendance will be free of charge, so make sure to join us in June for a fantastic virtual extravaganza and the big announcement of the 2020 National Winners.

  • Dates : 10/06/2021 - 10/06/2021
  • Times : 16:00:00 - 19:30:00
  • Venus : Virtual Platform (Hopin)
  • National : Yes
  • Region : International
  • Type : BCO Awards
  • Available to non members : Yes