Urban Group Seminar – Tales of the City

Peter became the Chief Planning Officer of the City of London in 1985 and there have been huge changes in the almost thirty year period. His legacy is most apparent in the cluster of iconic, skyscrapers now visible on the City’s skyline. He has increased hotel accommodation from two hotels to 6,000 rooms and he has revived the night time economy in the City. Many years ago pubs and bars in the City closed at 8pm and there was far more retail space. This evening offers an opportunity to hear Peter reflect on his time in the City and to hear something of his plans for the future.

Duncan Salmon, senior Partner and Head of Regeneration at Speechly Bircham, will chair the event.

Join us for a lively evening of discussion and debate and enjoy some networking with your fellow BCO members after the seminar.

  • Dates : 10/04/2014 - 10/04/2014
  • Times : 16:00:00 - 18:00:00
  • Venus : Speechly Bircham, 6 New Street Square, London EC4A 3LX
  • National : No
  • Region : London & the South East
  • Available to non members : No