Research Launch – BCO Guide to Lighting

The world of lighting design is going through dramatic changes. On one hand we have a responsibility to reduce the resources we consume and specifically the carbon that we emit. On the other, lamp technology is evolving, changing at an alarming rate.

The latest BCO Best Practice Guide provides advice to help designers, developers, engineers and occupiers create successful sustainable lighting in the workplace.

At the launch event you can hear from some of the Guide’s contributors in a building that has been designed to meet the technical specification and environmental considerations of the most sophisticated occupier.

17.30 Registration
18.00 Presentation followed by Q&A
19.00 Networking
20.00 Close

Neil Pennell, Land Securities (Chairman)
Iain Trent, Land Securities (lead author)
Florence Lam, Arup
Mark Ridler, BDP
Andy Gallacher, Cooper Lighting

  • Dates : 26/09/2013 - 26/09/2013
  • Times : 16:30:00 - 19:00:00
  • Venus : 62 Buckingham Gate, SW1
  • National : Yes
  • Region : London & the South East
  • Type : BCO Research & Policy
  • Available to non members : Yes
  • Non member price : £25