CANCELLED BCO NextGen South West – Biophilic Design Talk

What is Biophilic Design and why is it important?

Biophilia is the love of nature and focuses on humanities innate attraction to nature and natural processes. In the 1980’s American psychologist Edward O Wilson observed how increasing urbanisation was leading to the disconnection with the natural world. Biophilic Design incorporates nature indirectly and directly in the design of the spaces we live and work. Through research this has demonstrated reduction in stress, blood pressure levels and heart rates, whilst increasing productivity, creativity and self-reported well-being.

From the simple to the complex, hear from Oliver Heath on the opportunities to include Biophilic Design in the office environment.

  • Dates : 08/02/2018 - 08/02/2018
  • Times : 16:30:00 - 19:00:00
  • Venus : Burges Salmon, One Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0ZX
  • National : No
  • Region : South West England & South Wales
  • Available to non members : Yes
  • Non member price : £25