BCO Urban Group Seminar: Plotting the Future

Thankfully, those days are long gone and now we have some of the most sophisticated tools in the world to help us place our ideas and see what they look like without false truths. Today there is no hiding place.

Come and join the debate and see computerised London as you have never seen it before as new technology is presented and the benefits and constraints are discussed! Refreshments will be provided before and after the presentation which will commence at 17.30.

Martin Sager, Partner, Sheppard Robson (Chair)
Ceri Evans, Associate Director, VU.CITY
Peter Barbalov, Partner, Farrells
Peter Wynne Rees CBE, Professor of Places and City Planning, The Bartlett, UCL
Gordon Ingram, Senior Partner, GIA

  • Dates : 21/09/2017 - 21/09/2017
  • Times : 16:00:00 - 18:00:00
  • Venus : U+I, 7 Howick Place, London SW1P 1DZ
  • National : No
  • Region : London & the South East
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25