BCO South West & Wales Webinar: Discussion on Ventilation post Covid

We discuss in simple terms the findings of the BCO research paper into post covid ventilation, the requirements of the WELL Building Standards and Air Rated accreditations on air quality and get the opinion of a developer and occupier of where the market expectations are heading.

Catherine Macpherson, regional lead on workplace at Hoare Lea and part of Hoare Lea’s air quality working group, will present a summary of the findings of the BCO research paper and discuss the various accreditations associated with air quality and what these practically mean for development.

Toby Pentecost is the development manager for 4 Glass Wharf, aka The Welcome Building which is one of the largest spec offices in the region. The Welcome Building is committed to creating a healthy environment for its users – it is targeting the highest level of certification – WELL Core ‘Platinum’, Toby will discuss why this was important part of the developer specification.

Stephen Taylor manages AHMM’s Bristol office and will discuss the importance they placed on air quality and a mixed mode ventilation strategy when choosing their new office space at 1 Portwall Square.

  • Dates : 30/06/2021 - 30/06/2021
  • Times : 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
  • Venus : Webinar
  • National : No
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25