BCO South West & Wales – Virtual Tour of Bicester Eco Business Centre

In synergy with the pioneering eco-town’s masterplan, the business centre is an exemplar of sustainable architecture and construction.

To meet the Standard, the building generates as much energy as it consumes, with a renewable energy strategy complementing the fabric-first approach. One of the building’s key features is the triple height top-lit atrium space, allowing daylight into the depth of the plan, and reducing excessive use of artificial light and energy. Externally, vertical timber fins not only give the building a unique identity, but act as a large brise-soleil that reduces unwanted heat gains in summer and provides solar shading.

This vibrant new workplace, positioned on a gateway corner of the new ‘local centre’, has been sensitively designed to be a distinctive building that forms a characterful bookend to the street, without detracting from the surrounding residences and mixed-use developments.

Join us to find out more about this project from the people behind it.

  • Dates : 24/05/2021 - 24/05/2021
  • Times : 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
  • Venus : Webinar
  • National : No
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25