BCO Scotland: Talk and Tour of HMRC new Government Hub in Edinburgh

Queen Elizabeth House comprises 189,652 ft2 sqm NIA accommodation in a newly built, BREEAM Excellent pre-let speculative office development, accommodating 3,000 civil servants. Several small HMRC buildings, and 24 other government departments are consolidated into Queen Elizabeth House as the first UK Government Hub in Scotland, providing welcoming, modern-looking smart-working environments and various facilities including breakout, learning, conference, concentrate and collaboration spaces to enable efficiency and increase productivity.

The look and feel of Queen Elizabeth House celebrates Edinburgh and its people, as well as HMRC’s organisational history, contribution to society, and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Workspaces and amenities are designed to enable a smarter-working culture and to initiate and support collaboration across various teams. HMRC’s Inclusive Design Guide creates fully inclusive workplaces attracting and retaining as diverse a workforce as possible on a budget accountable to the public purse. HMRC have committed to a programme of Post Occupancy Evaluations (POE), assessing each building after it has been completed and occupied to understand how it is performing in use and capture lessons for future projects.

The talk and tour will explain the roll out and joined-up strategy of creating the Government Hubs in partnership with the Government Property Agency. HMRC and GPA are leading the way in transforming the civil service estate through one of the largest property programmes in the UK with the focus on how inclusivity, diversity and wellbeing is integrated in this program and the process of ongoing POE across the program.

Refreshments will be served. Guests will be required to bring photographic ID in the form of a driving licence or passport.

  • Dates : 10/05/2023 - 10/05/2023
  • Times : 11:30:00 - 14:00:00
  • Venus : HMRC Edinburgh Government Hub, 1 Sibbald Walk, EH8
  • National : No
  • Region : Scotland
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25