BCO Research Seminar: Designing for Neurodiversity

Those who belong to the neurodiversity community are currently underserved by and often not supported in the current employment ecosystem. This study creates a starting point rather than a definitive guide, as the needs of the neurodiverse workforce are wide ranging, requiring specific solutions for work and health.

The research is divided into four core sections:
• defining neurodiversity
• the link between place and health,
• identifying the principles of an enabling work environment
• design insights for a work-enabling environment.

It draws on information from the worlds of neuroscience, lived experience and design to create a holistic and ecological approach to the creation of enabling work environments. The intention has been to look at how neurodiversity, employment and office spaces intersect to enact health and social justice. Combining the insights of neuroscience and the expertise of design, it sets out new standards and recommendations and is intended as an introduction for those who are building and designing offices.

Join us on May 26 to find out more.

  • Dates : 26/05/2022 - 26/05/2022
  • Times : 07:30:00 - 09:00:00
  • Venus : Workable London, Level 19, 1 Westfield Avenue, London E20 1HZ
  • National : No
  • Region : London & the South East
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25