BCO Research Launch: Thoughts on office reoccupation after Covid-19

Considering the workplace as an environment that supports the business activities that are required by the individuals working within it, rather than assuming most roles are desk bound, provides freedom to re-imagine the office.

A growing number of organisations were already moving towards a more flexible working model reducing the number of fixed desks, driving higher utilisation levels through desk sharing strategies and freeing up space to either reduce costs or provide a wider range of workplace settings and social spaces. The pandemic has accelerated this process and we are likely to see an irreversible move towards more agile and flexible practices.

This flexible approach will increase the attraction of the central head office as a place to meet and gain access to enhanced facilities and technologies and/or to take advantage of a distributed office network made up of smaller strategically located hubs. The combination of connected technology and flexible working will allow each organisation to create an ecosystem of physical and virtual experiences that best supports the convenience, functionality, sustainability, and wellness of their workforce.
Join us on May 26 to discuss not only some of the broader questions of the future of the office, but also some of the key design aspects that occupiers and their advisors may have to consider.

  • Dates : 26/05/2021 - 26/05/2021
  • Times : 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
  • Venus : Webinar
  • National : Yes
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25