BCO Research Launch | 2020 Vision: Reinventing the High Street for the 21st Century

High streets in many UK towns and suburbs are falling into a state of terminal decline, in the face of competition from online and out-of-town trading. Numerous retail chains are going out of business or closing less profitable branches; restaurants, coffee shops and pubs are closing for lack of trade; even the “pound shops” are disappearing. The heart of many urban centres now consists of a piecemeal collection of charity shops interspersed with the dereliction of un-lettable properties. There is little chance that we will see a renaissance of downtown retail activity, so what is to be done to revitalise our high streets?

Our high streets need a radical change of land uses if they are to recover their urban vitality and social focus. This was true before the chill winds of the current pandemic blew through our High Streets and what was true before Covid-19 is now even more relevant and urgent.

A winning mixture might combine small business units and leisure activities with educational, social and health outreach facilities to provide an urban heart transplant. The changing patterns of work and use of workplaces recommend the commercial sector as the lead component in such regeneration activity.

Join us for a discussion on 3 December to examine the potential future rebirth of our high streets through job-creating workplace provision and alternative uses.

  • Dates : 03/12/2020 - 03/12/2020
  • Times : 10:30:00 - 12:00:00
  • Venus : Webinar
  • National : Yes
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25