BCO NextGen – King’s Cross regeneration and the office product

King’s Cross is a critically acclaimed 67 acre, 8 million sq. ft development in Central London. The development includes 20 new and refurbished office buildings, nearly 2,000 new homes, as well as new shops and restaurants. Aside from the sheer scale, what makes King’s Cross different is the determination to create an interesting place with a varied mix of uses. The area benefits from a lively and diverse arts and events programme that makes use of the world-class public spaces that are being delivered.

The presentations will take you through the reasons for the successful regeneration of King’s Cross as well the office teams approach to delivering an exceptional office product. After the presentations a site tour will be led by the team ending with drinks at a local bar in the King’s Cross area.

  • Dates : 21/05/2015 - 21/05/2015
  • Times : 16:30:00 - 19:30:00
  • Venus : Argent, 4 Stable Street, London, N1C 4AB
  • National : No
  • Region : London & the South East
  • Type : NextGen & Future Trends
  • Available to non members : No