BCO NextGen Coffee Roulette | February

PLEASE NOTE: February’s session is now fully booked. Keep an eye on your emails to join in March.

The 45-minute session will include:
• Welcome
• Introduction by host industry leader
• Introduction to each person: who they are, what their role is, their passions and connection to BCO
• Informal discussion

After such an ostracising few years, Coffee Roulette provides the ideal opportunity to broaden your network and get to know others within the industry. To register for February, drop us an email at events@bco.org.uk detailing your area of interest/expertise, location and whether you’d like to meet in person or online. We will then match you to a relevant industry leader and introduce you via email before confirming the date for the meeting.

Our impressive list of industry leaders are below.

We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Dates : 21/02/2022 - 25/02/2022
  • Times : 09:00:00 - 09:00:00
  • Venus : Online or In-Person
  • National : No
  • Type : NextGen & Future Trends
  • Available to non members : No