BCO East Anglia Webinar: The Acoustic Design of offices

The acoustic design of offices is an aspect that is often overlooked or even side-lined in favour of a particular aesthetic but without careful consideration it can lead to environments where occupants struggle to work, concentrate or even just hold conversations.

Additionally, there are often situations where particular rooms require high degrees of privacy (for example HR rooms) – where this is the case the partitions need to be designed such that people sitting outside cannot overhear these conversations.

The questions are, therefore, what does ‘good acoustic design’ mean and how do you go about achieving it?

The presentation by Sam Bryant, director at Cass Allen, will touch on all aspects of cellular and open plan office acoustic design and include discussions and examples of how to achieve appropriate internal noise environments, how to design partitions to achieve appropriate separation and also how the use of technology can help provide unexpected solutions.

  • Dates : 10/09/2020 - 10/09/2020
  • Times : 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
  • Venus : Webinar
  • National : Yes
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25