BCO Ideas Project | Highly Commended | Common Grounds by Toni McCall

Through her role in Workplace Experience & Strategy Consultation, Toni McCall helps clients create a stronger working culture, both in the office and working from home. Combined with her interior design experience, she is well equipped to turn her hand to designing the future workplace.

Common Grounds

‘Common Grounds’ (CG) is a concept created by Vela Interiors that encourages a shift towards transparency between employers and prospective employees. As a website and app-based service, CG provides a platform that pushes companies to compete to create the most supportive, sustainable, and charitable environment for its staff.

CG is more than your standard company review site. The software allows users to hone in on their personal priorities and apply them as a filter to identify companies with specific goals and values which align with their own, before applying for a job.

This purpose-led vision encourages employers to be more vocal and visible when taking a stance on social issues, and really practice what they preach. These concerns will shape operations and talent programmes, putting the employee at the centre and increasing the depth and transparency of reporting on purpose driven outcomes. At its core, CG will help drive effective change in the workforce, the ripple effect of which creates a positive outcome for all.

Organisations will have to communicate real, tangible progress on the CG website, providing ‘behind the scenes’ evidence of their actions towards progressing their stipulated purpose. This may take the form of reports backed up by accurate data from the organisation, event photographs that are updated regularly, or reviews from previous and current staff members. This pool of information will be accessible to prospective applicants, who are then able to make a fully informed decision on whether the company is right for them.

CG will use an algorithm to award a scoring system based on how regularly each company provides updates. Users can then easily ascertain the level of action a prospective employer takes against, eg, climate change or charitable engagements, without having to simply take their word for it.

CG’s ultimate goal is to facilitate the shift towards a more sustainable workforce, which balances the power between employer and employee, creating a more secure, supportive and productive environment for all.

Written By Eilidh Tuckett.

Attend the BCO Ideas Project Final Showcase Evening on 29 September where the selected finalists will be sharing their 10-minute TED Talk style pitches. Visit bco.org.uk to book.