COMMITTEES AND TEAMS - BCO - British Council for Offices COMMITTEES AND TEAMS - BCO - British Council for Offices



The BCO is led by our members, who guide our research, events and other activities. The organisation’s daily operations are managed by our team from our headquarters in London.

If you’d like to speak to a member of our management executive, board or a specific BCO committee, please contact our London office.


The London-based BCO team handles the day-to-day operations of the organisation, led by our Chief Executive.

Come to us if you have any queries about membership, events, media or operations. If we need to, we’ll speak to any BCO member or a member of our board on your behalf.

Team Members

Katharina Balassa
Director - Communications and Events
Alana Bennett
Team Assistant
Laura Burgess
Senior Events Coordinator
Eric Chong
Director of Research & Policy
Mary Economidou
Communications and Events Manager
Tracy Goodwin
PA to the Chief Executive/Membership
Rhianna Harrup
Events Coordinator
Saskia Hohler
Events Coordinator
Richard Kauntze
Chief Executive
Chané Scallan
Social Media Manager


The BCO’s Management Executive is responsible for the management of the organisation’s affairs. The team meets quarterly with the BCO Chief Executive and other officers. Members also meet regularly with BCO committees to support their research and developments.

Presidential Team

Peter Crowther

HERE Partnership

Helen Hare
Senior Vice President

Andy McBain
Junior Vice President

Bruce Paterson
Honorary Treasurer

Richard Kauntze
Chief Executive
British Council for Offices

Despina Katsikakis
Immediate Past President
Cushman & Wakefield


Clare Ashmore Parkeray
Guy Battle The Social Value Portal
Dan Bayley JLL
Rachel Edwards Lendlease
Rob Harris Ramidus Consulting
David Illingworth London Structures Lab
Jonathan Moister Curtins
Neil Pennell Landsec
Beth Starling WILL+Partners
Gillian Stewart Michael Laird Architects
Robert van Zyl Cundall
Richard Warwick Owers Warwick Architects
John Wright Stride Treglown


Katharina Balassa
DirectorCommunications & Events

Mary Economidou
Communications & Events Manager

Eric Chong
Director, Research & Policy 

Chané Scallan
Social Media Manager    

Presidential Team

Peter Crowther
Senior Vice President
Helen Hare
Senior Vice President
Andy McBain
Junior Vice President
Bruce Paterson
Honorary Treasurer
Richard Kauntze
Chief Executive
Despina Katsikakis
Immediate Past President

executive members

Clare Ashmore
Guy Battle
The Social Value Portal
Dan Bayley
Rachel Edwards
Rob Harris
Ramidus Consulting
David Illingworth
London Structures Lab
Jonathan Moister
Neil Pennell
Beth Starling
Gillian Stewart
Michael Laird Architects
Robert van Zyl
Richard Warwick
Owers Warwick Architects
John Wright
Stride Treglown


The Advisory Council brings together a diverse mix of expertise and fresh perspectives from across the BCO. Its role is to explore key themes, ideas, and future projects, offering advice to the Management Executive. Reflecting the BCO’s broad membership, it includes the Management Executive, Regional and Expert Committee representatives, Awards judging panel chairs, and a balanced group of NextGen members from across the regions.

Advisory Council members

Harry Allen, Savills

Clare Ashmore, Parkeray

Guy Battle, The Social Value Portal

Dan Bayley, JLL

Mike Burton, AECOM

Ella Clark, Unova Consulting

Peter Crowther, Here Partnership

Seb Denby, Creative Places

Rachel Edwards, Lendlease

Francesca Ghavami-Milnes, Howells

Oliver Hall, Make Architects

Helen Hare, Great Portland Estates

Rob Harris, Ramidus Consulting

Ottillie Heyes, Savills

Will Higgins, Lambert Smith Hampton

David Illingworth, London Structures Lab

Angela Joseph, Brookfield Properties

Despina Katsikakis, Cushman & Wakefield

Richard Kauntze, BCO

Peter Kerr, Atelier Ten

Sarah Lawson, Michael Laird Architects

Andy McBain, NatWest Group

Bruce Paterson, Quantem

Neil Pennell, Landsec

Matt Perring, Method Consulting

Donald Reid, Reid Mitchell

Bianca Spoeala, Cundall

Beth Starling, Will+Partners

Alex Stork, Overbury

Adam Tillis, Dragonfly

Euan Tyson, R&A

Robert van Zyl, Cundall

Richard Warwick, OW Architects

John Wright, Stride Treglown

Expert Committees

The BCO’s committees further specific areas of research, our work in the regions, our awards programme and our NextGen work. They each comprise a diverse selection of members from all areas of the office sector.

Our members express their interest in getting involved with a BCO committee by submitting an application form. All committees report their work to the Management Executive and hold regular seminars and workshops to further their discussions and research.

If you’d like to apply to join a committee, complete an application form and return it to us.

Expressions of interest can be submitted for:


This committee is dedicated to improving the quality of membership and maintaining the stability of the BCO.

Daniel Bayley
(Committee Chairman)

Lindsey Barrett CMS
Ella Clark Unova Consulting
Carl Giles Turner & Townsend alinea
Matthew Goodwin Faithful+Gould
Michael Grace Turner & Townsend
Lee Jones Quantem
Richard Kauntze BCO
Michelle Marwood Norton Rose Fulbright
Tim Mote Kier Construction
Craig Tennant Ryden
Paul Webber Arup
Simon Wilkinson John F Hunt
David Williams Savills

This committee provides a strategic overview of the BCO’s wide-reaching research agenda. Members review and approve research proposals and completed reports, while advising on the financial aspects of research. If members spot a new research opportunity, they will advise the BCO.

The Research Committee meets quarterly. As well as advising members on their focused research areas, the committee oversees the BCO’s wider research programme. This focuses on:

  • Workplace strategy
  • New working practices
  • Health, wellbeing and productivity
  • Innovation and technology
  • People and places
  • Infrastructure and transport
  • Public policy and planning

Rob Harris
Ramidus Consulting

Frances Brown Cundall
Derek ClementsCroome Reading University
Peter Grant Peter Grant Associates
Benjamin Koslowski Fletcher Priest Architects
Steven Lang Savills
Alexi Marmot Alexi Marmot Associates, UCL
Nigel Miller Cordless Group
Emily Pallot ACG Architects
Rob Partridge AKT II
Benjamin Simpson Fletcher Priest Architects

Terms of Reference

  • To meet on a quarterly basis
  • Provide a strategic overview of the BCO’s research agenda
  • Work to complement the existing BCO research committees
  • Advise on the financial aspects of research
  • Review both research proposals and also completed research reports
  • Advise the BCO on any issues which needed to be researched.

In addition the Research Committee supports papers and publications undertaken by other BCO Expert Committees on issues related to their areas of expertise including Sustainability, Occupier Demand/Service Delivery and Design & Specification.

Members of this committee focus on all technical aspects of office design and fit out. By creating a forum for ideas and discussion, the reports and research they produce help introduce best practice across the industry.

Where sector changes are introduced that will impact the design and construction of offices, such as changes to building regulations, members will produce a considered response.

Neil Pennell

Andrew Bickerdyke Ramboll
Alan Bunting British Land
Mark Burgess jmarchitects
Derek Clements Croome University of Reading
Clare Danahay WILL+Partners
Alicia Freire Twin Earth
Helen Garthwaite Wedlake Bell
Danny Hall The Crown Estate
Geoff Harris
David Healy WSP
David Hodge Canary Wharf Contractors

Mark Lacey alinea consulting
Mark Leeson
McBains Cooper
Jason Margrave
Jason McColl Make Architects
Gavin Murgatroyd Gardiner & Theobald
Megan Royston Adamson Associates 
Peter Runacres
Paul Scott AKT II
Peter Stocks Cundall
Saul Tyler Hoare Lea
Peter Williams Stanhope plc.

Terms of Reference

  • To address the technical aspects of office design, and fit out, and to act as a forum for new ideas and discussion
  • To produce reports and discussion papers which allow the dissemination of best practice in these aspects of office design, construction and fit out
  • To produce considered responses to changes in the Building Regulations and the agreed practices and guidance documents of other organisations which have a direct effect on the technical aspects of office design, construction and, fit out
  • To host technical seminars and workshops for members on the technical aspects of office design, construction and fit out
  • To report on its work to the Management Executive.

Environmental, social and governance issues have a growing influence on office development, design and occupation. The BCO’s ESG Group commissions and produces reports on how new thinking and approaches to ESG impact the sector.

The group’s remit is wide. As well as office design, the group addresses issues related to the decarbonisation of office buildings, the circular economy, social value principles and governance. They discuss and investigate the repercussions for investment and finance.

When the government creates consultation papers on environmental issues, the group plays a key part in shaping the BCO’s response.

Guy Battle
Social Value Portal

Christopher Blust AKTII
Maria Cachafeiro Multiplex
Annabel Clark
Faithful + Gould
Derek Clements Croome Reading University
Rob Harris Ramidus Consulting
Stephen Hill Arup
Debbie Hobbs SP Global
Nicola Hurst LGIM

Mat Lown TFT
Victoria Peckett
Neil Pennell Landsec
Paul Phillips Assurity Consulting
Dave Richards
Simon Sturgis Targeting Zero LLP
Jane Wakiwaka The Crown Estate
John Wright Stride Treglown
Simon Wyatt Cundall

Terms of Reference

  • To address those aspects of environmental sustainability that effect and influence office development, design and occupation
  • To commission and produce research reports and discussion papers which allow the dissemination of best practice and new thinking in those aspects of environmental sustainability which may influence office developments
  • To follow a broader remit within this field so that concepts of urban regeneration, mixed use development and social engagement, may be full explored including investment and finance questions
  • To host technical seminars and workshops for members on aspects of sustainability and green issues
  • To report on its work to the Management Executive
  • To act as a focal point in responding to Government consultation papers on environmental issues

The Urban Affairs Group focuses on the role of offices as a catalyst for urban regeneration. Within this area, discussions and seminars explore the concepts of masterplanning, mixed-use development and social engagement.


David Illingworth
London Structures Lab
(Joint Chair)

Rachel Edwards
(Joint Chair)

Peter Barbalov Farrells
Gina Colley 360 Architecture
Caroline Haines Derwent London

Keith Priest Fletcher Priest Architects
Peter Wynne Rees The Bartlett, UCL
Gary Stoakes Jackson Coles

Terms of Reference

  • To explore the role and impact of offices as a catalyst in urban regeneration
  • To follow a broader remit within this field so that concepts of urban and master planning, mixed use development, and social engagement, may be fully explored including investment and finance questions
  • To host seminars and workshops for members on aspects of urban regeneration and renewal
  • To report on its work to the Management Executive.

The Occupiers’ Group is for both BCO members who are occupiers and those from the wider membership. Their remit is to discuss issues from the occupier’s perspective and present their conclusions to the BCO and other committees.

The group’s research and events help the office sector understand occupiers’ point of view and needs. Members discuss areas such as how to gain a better understanding of the needs of businesses occupying an office, new working practices and flexible working, ESG issues affecting corporate organisations, health and wellbeing, and how to attract and retain a high-quality workforce by providing the best quality workplaces.

When the government or a public sector organisation launches a consultation, the Occupiers’ Group produces a considered response.

Euan Tyson

James Ainsworth PwC

Joseph Baum Deloitte

Chris Early Freshwave Group

Ronen Journo Hines

Sarah Lawson Michael Laird Architect

Holly Pauline Gilead 

Shak Parmer Goldman Sachs

Alexandra Weinberg Citi Bank


Terms of Reference

  • To consist of members drawn from across the occupier membership but including, as necessary and where deemed appropriate, other sectoral members from across the BCO membership
  • To discuss and develop an occupier’s perspective on issues and present these to the wider BCO organisation
  • To help occupiers through a combination of research (reports, discussion papers and seminars) and events (workshops, site visits and conferences) understand their needs better and this industry’s drivers
  • To help break down the barriers across the supply chain, creating a better understanding of offices (buildings) and the needs of business occupying that space
  • To work in association with other BCO groups and working parties to ensure higher levels of understanding and awareness of occupier perspectives
  • To produce considered responses to policy consultation exercises organised by HMG, local authorities, Cabe, and other public, private, and statutory organisations
  • To report on its work to the Management Executive and Board
  • To host a regular breakfast meeting where occupier issues are discussed and debated amongst the membership.


The BCO has five regions, each with three committees focused on matters of local interest. The committees’ work complements the national work of the BCO.


The Regional Committees are ambassadors for the BCO across the regions. They hold events and office tours to share best practice and launch BCO research. By encouraging collaboration among local members, their aim is to input into the organisation’s wider research agenda.

To promote excellence in the office sector, the Chapter Committees play a key role in delivering the BCO’s annual regional awards programme.

Deliver a varied calendar of office tours across the region to share best practice.

Disseminate knowledge though the regional launch of published BCO research.

Encourage and foster collaboration with a view to creating and inputting into cutting-edge research documents, fitting into the wider BCO objectives.

Organise events that encourage debate on topics affecting the regional market.

Deliver an annual regional awards programme to promote excellence in office space.

Engage with the national Committees, Management

Executive and to influence BCO strategy

Join Committee Here


The NextGen Committees champion the new generation coming into the office sector. They mentor and encourage younger members to become future leaders of the BCO, providing a platform for their ideas to be heard.

The groups’ social programme encourages those early in their career to network with other disciplines. Targeted seminars and debates help to spread knowledge throughout the younger membership of the BCO.

Bring through and champion a new generation of up and coming stars in the office sector.

Mentor and encourage this new generation to become future leaders of the BCO.

Provide a platform for new talent to get their ideas heard.

Encourage and foster collaboration with a view to creating and inputting into cutting-edge research documents, fitting into the wider BCO objectives.

Disseminate knowledge through unique targeted seminars and debates.

Promote the role of the BCO to younger members.

Establish a social programme encouraging those in the earlier stages of their career to network with other disciplines.



Members of the BCO’s regional judging panels visit the projects submitted to the BCO Awards, which can take up to five days each year. A member can serve up to three years as a judge.

Join PanelHere


East Anglia

Bedfordshire / Cambridgeshire / Hertfordshire / Norfolk / Suffolk
Regional Committee

Richard Warwick 
Owers Warwick Architects

Seb Denby 
Creative Places
(Vice Chair)

Mike Ayton Dowley Turner Real Estate
Iain Ballantyne CB3 Consulting
Colin Brown Mission Street
Matthew Chambers Hoare Lea
Ruscha Fields The Good Plant Company

Rory Gillespie Parkeray (NextGen)
Zib Gotto Saunders Boston Architects
Danielle Hudson Mills & Reeve (NextGen)
Ollie Lewis Overbury (NextGen)
Steve Marks Conisbee
Charlie Percival Bidwells (NextGen)

Judging Panel 2024 (Midlands & Central England)

Lee Jones Quantem
Kiru Balson Max Fordham
Emma Cochrane Shape the Space Architects
Ross Fittall MEPC
Will Higgins Knight Frank



Within M25

South East

Essex / Kent / Middlesex / Surrey / Sussex

NextGen Committee

Beth Starling

Isabella Clark
Unova Consulting
(Vice Chair)

Lucy Atkins Carter Jonas
Laura Beaumont Helical
Tom Bremner
Cushman & Wakefield 
Tom Buckley Core Five
Thomas Cran Sheppard Robson
Sophie Davies Heyne Tillett Steel
Kostas Dellas Turner Townsend alinea
Sarah Evans Multiplex
Jack Hawkins Great Portland Estates 
Ravinder Heer CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
Madeleine Jury AKT II   
Lauren Lewis Arup
Phumzile Mbatha Gleeds
Chloe Prince LandsecU+I
Matt Shore CO-RE
Ben Simpson Fletcher Priest Architects
Isla Stevenson Cushman & Wakefield
Poppy Taylor JLL
Sofia Wilson OD Group
Beth Wooton Derwent London

Judging Panel 2024 (London)

Angela Joseph
Brookfield Properties

Mel Allwood Arup
Kathryn Edwards Make Architects
Mark Lacey Alinea Consulting

Ian McCarter Knight Frank
Robert McLean PwC
Gerry O’Brien AKTII


Derbyshire / Hertfordshire / Leicestershire / Lincolnshire / Nottinghamshire / Shropshire / Staffordshire / Warwickshire

Regional Committee

Robert van Zyl

Ross Fittall MEPC
Justin Ford Bruntwood
Adrian Griffith Newmark
James Hall Associated Architects
Theo Holmes CBRE
Joe Huddleston Modus Workspace
Lee Jones Quantem
Kris Krokosz Squaredot
Rachel Leung JLL
Shak Parmar Goldman Sachs
Angela Reeve Turley
Matt Viall Core Five

NextGen Committee

Francesca Ghavami-Milnes

Timothy Newcombe
(Vice Chair)

Jack Francis Associated Architects
William Higgins Lambert Smith Hampton
Faith Lucas Quantem
James Talbot Arup
Keely Warr AtkinsRealis

Judging Panel 2024 (Midlands & Central England)

Lee Jones Quantem
Kiru Balson Max Fordham
Emma Cochrane Shape the Space Architects
Ross Fittall MEPC
Will Higgins Knight Frank

North of England

Cheshire / Cumbria / Durham Lancashire

North Wales

 Anglesey / Caernarfonshire / Flintshire / Merioneth

Northern Ireland

Regional Committee

Alex Stork

Clare Danahay
(Vice Chair)

Thomas Bone Hoare Lea
Peter Cartwright Cartwright Pickard
Ruairi Dempsey HDR
Stephen Frood Gardiner & Theobald
Andrew Fairhurst Genr8
Mick Grace Turner & Townsend
Peter Jackson Walker Sime
Amy Leech tp bennett
Lee Leston-Jones Cundall
Stephen McIntyre FaulknerBrowns
Jon Moister Curtins
Andrew Presly Government Property Agency
David Porter Knight Frank
Jonathan Seebacher Ryder Architecture
Bianca Spoeala Cundall
Adam Tillis Dragonfly

NextGen Committee

Bianca Spoeala

Emma Bramley Cartwright Pickard Architects
Rhys Dunn Associated Architects
Ottillie Heyes Savills 
Amy Le Vasseur Rider Levett Bucknall
Charles Owen Overbury
Callum Riley Gardiner & Theobald
Alan Stuart Atelier Ten

Belfast Working Group

Ruairi Dempsey

David Algie Arup
Paul Beacom MRP
Tim Boyle Belfast Harbour
Carolyn Brady RLB
Andrew Campbell Troup Bywaters + Anders
Daniel Chesney Graham
Jerry Cronin Cundall
Phil Doyle 5plus Architects
Emma Fooks
Kevin Francis GIA Surveyors
Lee Leston-Jones Cundall
Lucy McCutcheon Faithful & Gould
Kevin McNaull Turner & Townsend
Peter Minnis Todd Architects
Jon Moister Curtins
Des Mooney Rapport Architects
Drew Nesbitt Wilson Nesbitt
Jonathan Park Faithful & Gould

Judging Panel 2024

Thomas Bone 
Hoare Lea

Sarah Dodsworth Ekho Studio
Danielle Ford Fordsight
Adam Tillis Dragonfly
Richmal Wigglesworth Sheppard Robson


Peter Kerr  
Atelier Ten

Michael Gallacher  
Abstract Securities
(Vice Chair)

Atepheh Amid AECOM
Kieron Goodman 360 Architecture
Peter Hendry Woolgar Hunter
Hazel Houliston NatWest

Lisa Morgan Morgan Architects
Carol Nisbet CMS Cameron McKenna
Craig Tennant Ryden
Simon Walsh Cooper Cromar
Craig Watson JLL

Atepheh Amid is leading on the BCO Scotland Mentoring Programme

Michael Gallacher is the BCO Scotland’s Rep for Mental Health

Regional Committee
NextGen Committee

Sarah Lawson  
Michael Laird Architects

Hayley Wright  
Reid Mitchell
(Vice Chair)

Katherine Gibson Form Design Consultants
Frank Head Hoare Lea
Neal Hemingway 360 Architects
Emily Hughes CBRE
Alex Mackay JLL
Harry Sharples AECOM
Robyn Catherwood Turner & Townsend

Judging Panel 2024

Donald Reid 
Reid Mitchell

Tim Griffin Michael Laird Architects
Sarah Hagen Knight Frank
Peter Kerr Atelier Ten
Lynn Smith Europa Capital Partners

South West of England

Cornwall / Devon / Dorset / Gloucestershire / Hampshire / Herefordshire / Somerset / Wiltshire / Worcestershire

Thames Valley

Berkshire / Buckinghamshire / Oxfordshire

South Wales

Brecknockshire /  Carmarthenshire /  Cardiganshire, Glamorgan /  Monmouthshire /  Montgomeryshire /  Pembrokeshire / Radnorshire

Regional Committee

John Wright  
Stride Treglown 

Charlotte Acreman CBRE
Rory Carson 
Gary Carver Savills
Richard Clark Burges Salmon 
Henry Harrison Mapletree
Matthew Heaman Hoare Lea
Andrew Heath 

Richard Jones Lancer Scott
Catherine Macpherson Hoare Lea
Mark Nevill Ramboll
Ioan Prydderch Hugh James
Mark Rogers Turner & Townsend
Emma Wan AWW
Paul Webber Arup
Ian Wills JLL

NextGen Committee

Matt Perring  
Method Consulting LLP 

Mac Boatswain JLL
Justina Jakubkaite CBRE
Toni Riddiford Stride Treglown
Sarah Mitchell Overbury

Judging Panel 2023

Catherine Macpherson  
Hoare Lea 

Charlotte Acreman CBRE
Harry Allen Savills
Michelle Anthony Oxygen
Karle Bureford 
Dan Wride Colliers


The BCO is run by a series of committees covering research, the regions, our awards programme and the next generation.
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The BCO champions diversity, equity, and inclusion, broadening the office sector and promoting participation from all backgrounds.
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As one of the premier award ceremonies in the UK property calendar the BCO Awards delivers real value to its sponsors.
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The BCO is dedicated to supporting its members' mental health and wellbeing by providing links to sources of support through networks regionally and centrally. 
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