Publication title
Towards Experience Utopia: Customer experience best practice for the UK office sector
Publication date
Research Publication
Towards Experience Utopia provides the ultimate guide to creating a strong Customer Experience that blends the best aspects of remote and in-office work. Commissioned by the BCO Occupiers Group, which comprises representatives of leading employers such as NatWest, PwC, Deloitte, Hines, Goldman Sachs, Gilead, BT and Citi Group, the ‘state of the nation’ report sets out practical guidance for occupiers, investors, developers, agents, architects and designers, engineers, technology experts and property managers through strategies and checklists, as well as best practice case studies.
Towards Experience Utopia provides the ultimate guide to creating a strong Customer Experience that blends the best aspects of remote and in-office work. Commissioned by the BCO Occupiers Group, which comprises representatives of leading employers such as NatWest, PwC, Deloitte, Hines, Goldman Sachs, Gilead, BT and Citi Group, the ‘state of the nation’ report sets out practical guidance for occupiers, investors, developers, agents, architects and designers, engineers, technology experts and property managers through strategies and checklists, as well as best practice case studies.