Tour of 5 Advocate’s Close, Edinburgh, plus BCO Research & 2018 Awards Launch

This new research provides a best practice guide to services and management standards in multi-occupied office buildings. It also provides a Building Performance Scorecard which will measure how well an office building is performing, viewed from the perspective of the owner, property manager and occupier.

The report highlights the need for a revolution in the property industry’s approach to delivering service, based on customers’ requirements ‘from space as a commodity’ to ‘space as service’. It also forms the basis for a consultation with the BCO members on the format of a new BCO Customer Experience Award which will recognise those owners and their managers that are running buildings in a truly innovative and customer focused way.

This event also presents a great opportunity to learn more about the BCO Awards from David Dool, Chairman of the Regional Judging Panel. The BCO Awards are widely respected within the commercial property sector. They display the strength of British office design and illustrate a combination of excellence from the clarity of purpose in the brief; ingenuity of product; clever design solutions where appropriate; and delivery on time and in budget. Winning a BCO Award provides members of the project team with a multitude of benefits.

Following the presentation, Guy Morgan, Director of Morgan McDonnell will introduce the multi-award-winning project, after which attendees are invited to tour 5 Advocate’s Close. Whilst the building is only small, it was incredibly difficult to build and certainly packs a punch. BCO judges could not help but be overwhelmed by the feat of engineering that made this winning building possible.

The event will close with refreshments and the opportunity to network with fellow members and industry peers.

  • Dates : 24/10/2017 - 24/10/2017
  • Times : 16:00:00 - 18:30:00
  • Venus : Morgan McDonnell Architecture, 5 Advocate’s Close, Edinburgh, EH1 1ND
  • National : No
  • Region : Scotland
  • Available to non members : Yes